From Fri Oct 13 15:36:19 2000 From: "Schampaert,Pascale" X-Envelope-To: Subject: Looking for Pierre in Tokyo - Chercehz Pierre a Tokyo! Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 09:27:20 -0400 ENGLISH VERSION Hello there! I know you and I haven't spoken before, however, I'm sending you this email as you may be able to help me out. I'm looking for a Parisian man, named PIERRE (=first name, don't have his sirname) who's been living in Tokyo now for 10 years, 35 years old. I met him in Paris on Sat. 26th August (he returned to Tokyo on Sunday 27 August).. we met at Montmartre! :) He studied Japanese at the Universite Paris IX-Dauphine and I believe he still may have some involvement with a University in Tokyo as he bought his Professor in french Literature a present. Due to circumstances he may not have received my details I left him at his hotel and as I've fallen in love with him, I'm desperate to find him back;) I even returned to Paris to the hotel where he stayed to hand over a letter I've written to him, in the hope the hotel will forward my letter! Apart from that I've already contacted LOADS of people, eg. even French Consulate in Tokyo, but so far without result. Could you possibly advise me with hints and tips of how to best find a French man (Parisian) in Tokyo? Do you know of any French communities in Tokyo? Do you know many French people in Tokyo ? Do you know of anybody you could possibly refer me to who could help me out? Please feel free to forward my email to everyone you know in Tokyo/Japan as the more people know about this, the more chance I'll have in finding this man :) Any help is highly welcome!! I would like to thank you very much in advance for your help and hope to hearing from you soon! With best regards, Miss Pascale Schampaert (Belgian) VERSION FRANCAIS Chere Madame, Cher Monsieur, Je vous ecris cette email parce que je crois que vous pourriez m'aider. (Premierement je m'excuse pour mon Francais et meme que je suis Belge, mon francais n'est pas si bien). Samedi le 26/8/00 a Paris, J'ai rencontre l'homme de ma vie. Un Parisien residant a Tokyo avec le prenom de Pierre (je n'ai pas son nom de famille, malheureusement). A cause de circonstances je crois qu'il n'a jamais recu mes cordinats que j'ai laisse a son hotel a Paris. Le jour suivant il est retourne a Tokyo. Je suis tombe amoureux avec lui SI beaucoup, que je ferai tout de lui retrouver! L'hotel ou il a passe ses jours a refuse de me donner ses details; meme je suis retourne a Paris, a l'hotel et meme on ne veut pas passer ma letter que j'ai lui ecrit. Ca restera la bas attendant son retour. Maintenant je ferai TOUT possible de lui retrouver, mais email/ecrire des gens habitant a Tokyo en esperant que quelqu'un pourra m'aider Ses details que j'ai sont : Prenom = Pierre Parisien, qui a fait ses etudes "Japonnais" a l'universite Paris IX- Dauphine. Il a 35 ans et son anniversaire et dans le mois de decembre. Il habite a Tokyo depuis 10 ans. Je crois qu'il a toujours des connections avec un universite a Tokyo car il a achete son Professeur Japonnais au Literature Francais un petit cado a Paris. (a Montmarte). J'ai deja contacte BEACOUP des gens/institutions comme le Consulat Francais a Tokyo, l'universite a Paris et Belgique, mes collegues a Tokyo,.. seulement en esperant de lui retrouver! Je voudrai vous demander que vous pourriez m'aider SVP? Est-ce que vous connaisez cet homme? Est-ce-qu'il y a des communites francais a Tokyo? Tout info est bienvenue! Please feel free to forward my email to everyone you know around Tokyo, as perhaps someone may be able to help me! Je voudrai vous remercier pour tout votre aide en avance et j'espere d'entendre de votre part bientot! Cordialement, Mdm. Pascale Schampaert (Belgian) Pascale Schampaert Internal Account Partner Belgium CONTACT ME FOR INFO OR REGISTRATION FORMS FOR: "European Symposium/ITxpo" - 6 - 9 November, Cannes, France. Phone : +44 - (0)1784-486733 Fax : +44 - (0)1784-487419 E-mail : Web : Gartner Tamesis The Glanty Egham Surrey TW20 9AW