[ DRIRE Haute-Normandie | français ]

Setting up or expanding operations in France ?

Environmental Safeguards : Issues to consider

Protecting the environmental is an obvious concern in today's world. To guard againts polution and other risks, special legislation ahs been adopted in France for industrial facilities, waste operations, farming, and various craft and business activities.

"Classified Facilities" subject to legal restrictions on environmental grounds

French law makes special provision for "factories, workshops, depots, conbstruction sites, quarries and, in general, installations operated by or owned by any individual or incorporated entity, wether public or private, that may present a danger or be detrimental in any way either to the general well-being of local residents and surroundings, or to health, safety and public hygiene, or to agriculture or the natural environment, or to the conservation of sites and monuments". Such actibities must, by law, comply with either "declaration" or "authorization" procedures, depending on the degree of danger or nuisance (articles 1 and 2, Act of 19 July 1976).

Activities subject to these provisions appear in a ministerial decree through the Conseil d'Etat and published in the Journal Officiel.

Each department in France has an inspection unit (Inspection des Installations Classées) reporting to the Prefect. In most cases, inspectors are engineers and technicians advisers employed by the Regional Office for Industry, research and the Environment (DRIRE). Exceptions are activities covered by deparement-level units responsible for veterinary services, agriculture and forestry and infrastructire (respectively Services Vétérinaires, Directions Départmentales de l'Agriculture et de la Forêt, and Directions Départementales de l'Equipement).

"Declaration" or "Authorization"?

The official list comprises around 300 categories covering a range of activities and materials. In each case, thresholds relate to production capacity and storage, surface area, powe, pressure or processes used.

Categories are assigned either "declaration" or "authorization" status depending on the type and scale of activity or product they involve. In the example below, service station covering between 500 and 5,000 square meters use the simpler "declaration" prodedure, whiel stations larger than 5,000 square meters must apply for "authorization".

[Extrait de la page 187 de la nomenclature, rubrique 68.]



"Declaration" is a simplified procedure for facilities producing limited pollution. Applications must be fully documented, and a receipt is iddued on filling. After verification, the filling party is issued a second receipt along with a list of general rules for safeguarding the environment and the security of local residents. It may then begin operating immediately. When "authorization" is required, facilities may not begin operating until they have received a prefectoral order (arrêté préfectoral d'autorisation) setting out rules for environmental protection and safeguards. The application procedure lats 10 to 12 months, and involves the following steps.

Information/documents included in "Declaration" forms submitted to the Préfecture

- > Operator's ID

  • Family + first name and domicile in the case of individual

  • Business or trading name, legal form, registered address and function of the individual signing the application in the case of an incorporated entity

    - > Localization and description of activity:

  • Address of facility concernd and, when applicable, exact location on business premises
  • Type of activity and volume
  • Code number from official list

    - > Receipt attesting that an application for a building permit has been filed with municipal authorities (if a new building is required)

    - > Description of surrounding area

  • Map showing lots of land (plan cadastral<:i>) wihin a 100 meters radius of the facility
  • General plan (scale: 1/200 or larger) extending at least 35 meters from the installation. This must indicate usage of buildings and adjacent land, water points, canals, streams and sewage systems

    - > Assessment of nuisance during operation and impact of the event of accident

  • Report setting out the unit's impact on the environment and provision for limiting this: water, air, noise and vibrations, waste, transports, etc.

  • Report summarizing potential danger and setting out measures to be taken in the event of an accident or other incident
  • Steps in the authorization process

    Average time
    -> Fill out and file application with the Préfecture
    • Required documents are set out in article 5 of the ministerial decree dated 21 September 1977 in application of the law of 19 July 1976. They include an environmental impact survey and a report on dangers represented by the proposed facility.
    • These documents are appended to the application form and filed with the Prefecture.
    • As soon as the application is received, the Prefect forwards a copy to the competent inspection unit (Inspection des Installations Classées; for most industrial facilities, this will be the DRIRE) for detailed examination with the applicant, to ensure that documents fully meet regulatory requirements and general safeguards.
    • Once the inspectors have given an opinion and the Prefect judges the application to be complete, a public enquiry is opened.
    2 months
    -> Public and administrative enquiry
    • The public enquiry is led by a commissioner appointed by the President of the Administrative Courts who is given wide ranging powers to conduct an investigation before issuing a reasoned opinion (1 month). Government offices and local authorities are consulted at the same time, as is the company's hygiene and security committee (Comité d'Hygiène et Sécurité).
    3-4 months
    -> Regional Public Health Council (Conseil Départemental d'Hygiène)
    • Based on the results of the enquiry, the inspection unit (Inspection des Installations Classées) issues an opinion. If this is favorable, it then draws up a proposal setting out technical specifications to be applied to the facility. This proposal is presented to the Regional Public Health Council. The applicant may request a hearing with the Council.
    1 month
    -> Draft prefectural order
    • Once the Council has issued its opinion, the Prefect sends a draft prefectural order (projet d'arrêté d'autorisation) to the operator, who has two weeks (15 days) to respond in writing.
    1 month
    -> Final ruling

    The Prefect must take a decision in the three months following receipt of the enquiry sent by the commissioner. Should more time be necessary, this can be extended by an order stating the reason.

    1 month


    • If facilities that have been declared are toundergo extensive modification, the Prefect must be notified in advance

    • If a facility is transferred to another location, a new declatration must be filed


    • Under the Act of 15 July 1992, building permits for facilities subject to these requirements may not be issued until the public enquiry has been completed.



    These texts are updated at regular intervals, and readers are advised to ensure that they are consulting the latest version or seek specialist advice. Texts may be obtained for a small fee from Direction des Journaux Off iciels 26, rue Desaix 75727 PARIS CEDEX 15 (Tel.: +33 (0)140 58 78 78)


    Préfecture de la Seine-Maritime
    Direction de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et des Finances, Service de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie,
    7, Place de la Madeleine - 76000 ROUEN
    Téléphone : 33( 0)2 35 76 50 00 - Télécopie : 33( 0)2 33 9810 50

    Also :

    • Sous-Préfecture de l'arrondissement du Havre
      95, bd de Strasbourg - 76600 la Havre
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 35 13 34 56 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 35 21 06 87

    • Sous-Préfecture de l'arrondissement de Dieppe
      5, rue du 8 mai 1945 - 76200 Dieppe
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 35 06 30 00 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 82 43 13

    Préfecture de l'Eure
    Direction de la Réglementation et de l'Environnement
    Bd Georges Chauvin - 27022 EVREUX Cédex
    Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 78 27 27 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 38 24 15

    Also :

    • Sous-Préfecture de l'arrondisement de Bernay
      3, rue de la sous-préfecture - 27300 Bernay
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 46 76 87 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 46 76 87

    • Sous-Préfecture de l'arrondissement des Andelys
      10, rue de la sous-préfecture - 27700 LesAndelys
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 54 74 87 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 54 74 88

    Direction Régionale de l'industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement de Haute Normandie (DRIRE) / Regional Office for Industry, Research and the Environment
    • Le Havre and surroundings
      142, Bd de Strasbourg - BP 59 - 76084 Le Havre CEDEX
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 35 19 32 64 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 35 19 32 99

    • Rouen and Dieppe
      1, Avenue des Canadiens - 76800 Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 91 97 60 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 91 97 97

    • Eure region
      Rue de Melleville - 27930 Angerville-la-Campagne
      Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 23 45 70 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 23 45 99
    • Le Service Vétérinaire Départemental

      • Seine-Maritime
        avenue du Grand Cours - 76100 Rouen
        Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 81 82 32 - Télécopie : 33 (0)2 35 72 52 76

      • Eure region
        Chemin du Val Iton - 27000 Evreux
        Téléphone : 33 (0)2 32 39 83 00 _ Télécopie : 33 (0)2 32 31 29 97

    In some business areas, Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie, Chambres des Métiers and Chambres d'Agriculture may be able to provide assistance. Consultancies specialized in environmental affairs may also be called in.


    To accelerate registration, make sure your aplication is complete. Remember that in the case of "declaration", applications are judged solely on the basis of the forms they contain - making each individual item all the more important. Authorities must be able to place applications in context and evaluate their full impact on the environment, so be sure to include each and every document requested. Check, too, that these documents contain all relevant information.

    In the case of "authorization", key documents are the environmental impact study and report on potential danger. Data in these will serve as a basis for technical specifications included in the prefectoral order. If the authorities are obliged to contact you for further information, time will be lost, so it is in your interest to contact the DRIRE as soon as possible. You are also advised to take into account equipment for reducing pollution and safety devices from the start.

    A useful guide is "l'étude des dangers d'une installation industrielle" published by the Ministry of the Environment. This can be obtained from the Imprimerie Nationale, Service Diffusion, BP 514, 59595 DOUAI CEDEX - Tel +33 (0)3 27 93 70 90 - Fax +33 (0)3 27 93 70 96 (Price (incl. tax): 300 F + shipping).

    Normandie Développement would be pleased to send you a copy of the Guide to the preparation of an application for authorization to operate (Classification of industrial facilities for the protection of the environment) published by the Datar-Invest in France Network.

    Although the final decision is taken by the Prefect, it is essential that your activity be fully accepted by local residents. To rally sup- port, it can be useful to round out technical data published as part of the public enquiry with other information and public meetings.

    This document was produced by DRIRE cle Haute Normandie with support from the Ministry for the Environment and Normandie Développement. Please note that this brochure is for information purposes only and may be updated.


    Les informations contenues dans cette plaquette ne sauraient avoir de valeurs réglementaires ou contractuelles.

    Le Préfet est le représentant du gouvernement français aux niveaux régional et départemental. L'ensemble des services régionaux et départementaux de l'Etat sont placés sous son autorité. L'instruction technique des dossiers (notamment l'élaboration des règles de prévention des pollutions et des risques) est assurée par les sercices de la DRIRE (Direction Régionale de l'Industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement) ou de la DDAF (Direction Départementale de l'Agriculture et de la Forêt-Direction des Services Vétérinaires). Ces durées sont communiquées à titre indicatif afin de permettre aux exploitants de plannifier au mieux leurs projets. Elles tiennent compte des délais fixés par le législateur sans pour autant avoir elles-mêmes de valeur réglementaire.

    DRIRE Haute-Normandie Normandie Développement